Cecilia turned two on vacation in Virginia. She will probably spend many birthdays on vacation growing up, just like I did. Its one of the perks of a summer birthday. We are not having a big party for her this year. Frankly, I'm too tired and I don't think that she really knows the difference. Her Great Aunt Jenny brought over a beautiful homemade lady bug cake. She loved it!

We did get her a new trike for her birthday. I bought it before we went out of town, but we finally got around to giving it to her yesterday. Again, she doesn't know the difference, so we can get away with it. This will probably be the last year though. Jon put it together the night before and we had it ready for her in the kitchen when she got up. She was so excited. Jon carried her out of her room and she saw it and pointed to it and said " A BIKE!"

Her two year old check up was on Wednesday. Jill was impressed with how many words she had, and is not concerned about anything. The best part was that she didn't need any shots. I had forgotten that at her 18 month visit, Jill said that she wouldn't need shots until she goes to kindergarten (I'm sure pregnancy brain had nothing to do with that). She is holding her line very well:
Weight: 24.4 lbs. - 25th Percentile
Height: 34 inches - 60th Percentile
Head: 48 cm. - 60th Percentile
Here are some noteworthy things about Cecilia at age TWO:
- She loves "Word World"- She only gets to watch 1-2 episodes/ day, but she gets awfully demanding to watch "duck".
- Talks constantly. We don't always know what she is saying, but she knows.
- She is all about what things belong to whom. For example, right now, my brother Pete is visiting. His car, my car, and Jon's car are all out front. She will stand at the front door and point to each car and say "Mama, Daddy, Pete" over and over again. She does this with drinks, food, clothes, shoes, keys, cell phones, books, computers, etc.
- She loves the water. Bathtubs, pools, sprinklers, sinks, fountains. If its wet, she wants to play in it.
- She is still a great eater. She will eat most everything we give her.
- She will ask for olives if she sees them in the fridge.
- Her favorite books are "Jamberry", "Big Kid Elmo", "Llama Llama Misses Mama". I have all of these memorized.
- She loves her little sister, most of the time. She is learning how to be gentle around her, and will give her kisses, and will try to share with her. She has also started to try and pick her up- yikes!
- Playing tea party is her favorite inside activity. She has two play tea sets and will set them out and pour tea and bring it to who ever is home. I've had countless cups of Cecilia Tea :)
- She is so affectionate. She will wave and say "Hi" to perfect strangers wherever we go. She will blow kisses if you are too far away to actually give you a kiss, in which case you will receive a kiss or two. If you are a Cecilia sized person, she will most likely give you a hug good-bye.
- She has perfected the tantrum. I've learned to ignore them.
- She has all but one last eye-tooth to come it.
- She recently learned how to jump. She loves to practice getting both feet off the ground, says "JUMP!" when she does it.
- She loves to sing, and it melts my heart when she turns into a little song bird.
- She is a little monkey and a dare devil, and likes to try new things. Big slides, and monkey bars, swings that go really high, water slides, etc.
- She likes to talk on the phone. She will talk on my phone, and when that is not available, she will pretend and hold her hand to her ear and have a conversation.
- She is most certainly a Type A personality. When she starts to get particular about how things should be, or when she gets a little attitude, we call her "our little type-A".
- She plays very well by herself. She is good at keeping herself busy with her toys, colors, and books.
- She likes to "help" me cook. She will pull a chair over to the counter and supervise.
1 comment:
Happy birthday, C! I can't believe what a big kid she looks like in those pictures! What a beautiful family you have, momma!
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