September 23, 2010

Rules for Dealing with Pregnant Nose

The nausea is here. The heightened sense of smell is here too- goody! I think the smell thing is worse this time around because I still have to do that Mom thing for Cecilia and prepare her meals and change her diaper, and clean the house. I can't just rely on Jon to do all the "smelly" things. So, I've been compiling a list of rules to deal with the smelly part of pregnancy.

  1. Only open the refrigerator if you know exactly what you are going in for and where it is.
  2. Turn your body at least 1/4 turn away from the stove when cooking. Especially if it is something like scrambled egg for your sweet baby girl.
  3. When you notice that your child needs to be changed, its time to bust out the coffee beans, mint, or vicks vapor rub. A wiff of any of those will line your nose for a bit so that you can quickly freshen the little one with out dry heaving on her.
  4. Make your husband take out the kitchen trash, diaper pale, and compost daily- whether it needs it or not.
  5. If you should go out into public wear Burt's Bees lip balm (I like the tinted stuff), carmex, or some other scented lip stuff. This will help to mask any unpleasant smells you might find along the way- and there are plenty of them.
  6. If you are able to make dinner, make double and freeze the rest. There will be nights when the thought of cooking will set off that lovely wave of nausea, so taking that saved chicken pot pie out of the freezer will help tremendously.

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