March 11, 2014


The big girls have been doing gymnastics again.  They really are so cute.  I love that they are so different.  Cecilia has no fear, and also very little desire for doing things right.  She would rather just have fun and throw her body up and over and into the pit, or around the bar without much regard for pointed toes, feet together, sticking a landing, etc.  Lilly Jeanne, on the other hand, is very cautious and purposeful.  She will not try a new skill unless she is 90% confident that she can do it.  Her toes are always pointed, and she is more likely to crawl over an obstacle than to jump off it.  It has also been fun because some of our friends have been in the same class with the girls.  Its nice for the girls to have a friend in the class, and for me to get to visit with a friend too.

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