February 16, 2012

A 9 Month Old

Lilly was nine months old on Monday. This means that time is still flying by, and we've reached my favorite age! Nine to twelve months is such a blossoming time for babies, and I love to watch them as their personality starts to solidify, the discover new things, and really start to interact with their environment.  Lilly is totally on the go.  She has mastered crawling, and is pulling her self up on everything and cruising around the furniture.  We've caught her standing by herself, holding on to nothing more times than we can count.  She will walk all over the place if you let her hold your fingers, and she is crawling up the stairs by herself like a pro.  Its adorable. 

She is becoming quite vocal too.  She and Cecilia will have words, well more like sounds, across the table, and it is so funny to watch them "talk" it out.  She says Dada, and we are working on Mama.  Most of our conversations go like this:
Me: Lilly, say Mama.
Lilly: Dada.
Me: Say Mama.
Lilly: (laughing) hahahah!

Lilly is such a sweet cuddle bug.  She is so content to just sit with me or Jon (mostly me) and suck her thumb.  I love when I pick her up and she rests her little head on my shoulder and pats my back.  It makes my heart melt.  She doesn't have an attachment to a blanket or stuffed animal.  However, she is quite fond of my hair.  When she gets fussy and I pick her up, she firmly grabs a hold of my hair and sticks her thumb in her mouth. 

She has two teeth now.  The second one popped through last week sometime.  The four on the top are all making their way down.  We can see them under her gums.  She decided about a week and a half ago that she wanted nothing to do with pureed food.  She would actively refuse it and not even open her mouth if it came at her on a spoon.  So, she's been eating table food with us, and is doing great with it.  Its really quite nice to be back to making one meal for the whole family.  She has yet to master the sippy cup, we are working on it, but for now it is just something to chew on.  Since she won't eat the pureed food any longer, it has made getting prune juice in her all the more difficult.  We switched to whole prunes, and luckily she likes them.  We've discovered that they are doing the trick- a prune a day keeps the rocks away :)

We did the great car seat upgrade last weekend.  Cecilia got a new seat, and Lilly got moved out of the infant seat and into a rear facing toddler seat.  She is getting so big!

We had her 9 month check up on Tuesday.  You can tell how much she is moving by how little she has grown over the past three months.  Here are her 9 month stats:

16lbs. 3oz. ~ 20th Percentile
26.5 inches ~ 25th Percentile

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