February 05, 2012


Lilly got her first tooth a few weeks back.  It was actually the same day as she was pronounced "free from dairy free".  So, lets see that was back on January 16th.  For the record books, that would mean that she was 8 months and 3 days old.  We didn't even know she was teething.  It just kind of snuck in.  It was that night at dinner that I was singing grace and she was smiling up at me, and I noticed a little white cap at her gum line.  Sure enough her bottom left tooth had popped thru.  I thought that the next one was fast on the heels of the other, but it has yet to make an appearance, and it seems to be giving her a hard time too. 

I haven't blogged it till now, because I've been lazy and busy I wanted to make sure I could have a photo of said tooth.

1 comment:

Peter S. Ambrose said...

She has her tooth, now she can focus on growing her hair.


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