We read lots of Christmas stories all through December, and the girls were very excited for Jesus' birthday. We also had one of Santa's elf's join us for the month of December. He hid in various places throughout the house and watched the girls so he could report back to Santa. Lilly Jeanne decided he would make a good dancing partner one day...

We attempted to see Santa at the Candy Cane Festival at Hammond's Candy Factory, but we were too late in the day to accomplish this. Instead we took a short ride on a little train and visited the outdoor shop they had set up.

Cecilia got to sing two songs with her class from school for their Christmas program. They sang Rudolph and Away in a Manger. There is something so adorable about 3 & 4 year olds performing.
My awesome Mom and I "ran" the Ugly Sweater Run on the 21st. It was my first 5k since having Nora, and I have only run a few times since she came. I was pretty proud of myself. I think that I ran about 2/3 of it and only walked about a third. Not too shabby for 3 kids and no training. My mom, however, ran the whole thing. She rocks. I hope I'm that good in 20 years too.
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