October 29, 2010

Doctor Doctor Doctor

This morning was spent running from one doctors appointment to another to another. All for good reasons. Cecilia had her 15 month check up and I had my 12 week midwife and ultrasound appointment. Cecilia's appointment was first, but they were running really late, so we did the visit with her doc, and then ran next door for my appointment, only to find out that we were too late and could come back in 45 minutes. So, we ran back to Cecilia's doc to finish getting her shots, and then back to the midwives office. Whew! That was exhausting!Cecilia is doing great. She is right on track with everything. She is saying the appropriate number of words for her age, even though only Jon & I really understand them. She says "ankie" for blankie, "oggy" for doggy, "addy" for Daddy, "ickty" for kitty, and "mmmmmm" for milk. We are still working on "Mama", she says it, but only when she has prompting and after lots of it. She also knows a few of her body parts, she knows belly, feet, nose, and mouth. Belly is her favorite, or should I say my belly is her favorite. She loves to pull my shirt up and try to blow on my belly and then she will break out in fits of laughter. She got three shots today, and she was so good about it. NO TEARS! She fussed a little tiny bit, and that was it. I think it had something to do with the Smartie I gave her just before the first poke. Here are her physical stats:
weight 20 lbs. 10 oz. - 20th percentile
height 30 inches - 60th percentile

We finally got to the ultrasound appointment, and Cecilia was starting to get fussy by this point. She was a trooper though. My Mom was able to make it to the ultrasound too, so it was extra special. It was so AMAZING to see Sweet Potato. I think that Ultra Sound technology has improved even since I was pregnant with Cecilia. I thought we were looking at the 20 week ultrasound, everything was so clear. We could see little fingers and toes. We could see the little nose, and mouth opening and closing. It was incredible. And to think that at only 12 weeks, only 3 inches long, and there was no mistaking this precious being for anything other than human. It brought some serious tears to my eyes, to Jon's eyes, and to my Mom's eyes (Cecilia was crying too by this point, but for other reasons). On our way out of the midwife appointment Jon found something on my jacket: a LADYBUG! A sign of good things to come. We are so excited about this little one!

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