On Tuesday, I had contractions every 20 minutes for most of the day. Yesterday, I woke up at 3AM with contractions every 15 minutes. I called my midwives office and was able to get in at 11AM to get checked. My mom came down the hill, and my grandma met me at the appointment to wrangle Cecilia. My midwife checked me. I was at a 2. She went ahead and stripped my membranes, but didn't think that it would be that successful. After lunch, Mom and I walked about 2 miles while Ma stayed with Cecilia. After her nap we took a trip to Costco, and while there, I noticed my contractions getting much closer together. I went from about 15 minutes apart to 4 minutes apart in just over 4 hours. Jon headed home, and we headed out to the hospital. Celebrating the fact that YES, I was in labor!

My contractions continued at the hospital. I got checked and was at a 3.5, 60% effaced, and baby was at a -2. PROGRESS! They admitted me. We walked the halls till 10:30
ish. Then around 11 I got in the tub. It was very relaxing. Almost too relaxing. My contractions had not progressed, and even started slowing down. I got out of the tub at midnight, and my midwife suggested that I take it easy, and try to get some sleep if possible. I slept through most of my contractions, and was only woken once around 2:30. At 6 I woke up with a contraction, but that was one of the last ones I had for a while. They monitored me for about an hour from 6:30-7:30, and I maybe had 4 contractions during that time. My midwife came in and checked me. I was the same as when I was admitted. My MW said it would probably be best for us to head home and let things progress naturally. Especially since I didn't want to have my water broken and risk having to need to go on
So, we were home by 8 this morning. My parents, Cecilia, and I walked the mall this morning. Mom and I walked about 2 miles this afternoon, and then Jon and I walked around the lake this afternoon. I figure I've walked about 5 miles today. While Jon and I walked, my Mom played with Cecilia on the playground and they met some new animals. C was so cute with the geese. She kept calling them over, and patting her leg to try to get them to come to her.

Sweet Potato will arrive precisely when they mean to. I am not worried. After all, I am not in charge of this, I am merely along for the ride. Heck, I am the ride.
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