November 28, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

You know those sweet pictures of families, where the small children sit next to their parents and smile for the stranger with the camera.  Ya, not my family, not my kids.  Never the less, we did end up with some pretty good pictures this year.  It took two sessions to finally get one worthy enough for the wall and for Christmas cards.  It started off really rocky.  On the first try we were walking down a path on a green belt and Cecilia let go of Jon's hand, bolted across the path to some bikes and tripped on my foot. She face planted on the ground and scuffed up her nose pretty good.  This was before Kim, the photographer, even got her camera out of her bag.  Lilly was clingy and sad the entire time, unless she was snuggled on me.  We were able to attempt the session, but ultimately decided to give it another week and try again.  Take two was just as crazy.  Cecilia kept running away and was just being a pill.  Ah, this is our life though.  Life with a three year old and an one year old is in no way shape or form, posed and pretty.  It is chaotic, silly, and sometimes stressful.  Never the less, we love each other so much, and I'm so glad that we take as much time as we need to document our family each year.

Thanks to Kim Shokouhi for putting up with our antics and doing a beautiful job capturing my busy girls. In no particular order, here are our favorites.

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