We had the big anatomy ultrasound for our little Sweet Potato on Thursday the 30th at about 21+ weeks. Both my mom and Jon's mom were able to join us, and Cecilia was able to stay home with her Uncle Pat & Aunt Sarah. It was AWESOME! Ultrasound technology gets better and better every year. It was amazing to see baby moving and to see the heart, spine, arms, legs, face, fingers, toes, etc. Sweet Potato (who has also been dubbed the name "Yammy" by a Great Grandma) was very cooperative and posed just perfectly through out the ultrasound. Yammy was moving around so much too. Stretching legs and flipping this way and that. We got some great photos and videos.

We did not find out the gender of Yammy. When we got back to the exam room, the doctor came in and said " Congratulations, you're having a..... deferred!" I thought he was going to tell us the gender, and I was getting a little angry. It was funny. He showed us the chart and under gender it says "Deferred". It was a relief, because we want the surprise when the baby is born.
I am so excited to meet this little one. I feel baby move all the time now, and I had forgotten how much I missed that feeling.
We started moving stuff around in the house over the past few weeks. Gosh we have a lot of stuff! We needed to clean out and reorganize one of the bedrooms in the basement to make it into a guest room so that we can start repainting and making Cecilia's big girl room upstairs. Good think ARC/Goodwill does home pick ups! There is a ton of stuff to go out.