Monday is laundry day at the Fries house. The first load to go in is the whites. And in the whites load is Cecilia's "ankie" (that's blankie, for those of you not versed in the Cecilia language). She carries her blanket everywhere with her. We don't dare put her in the car without it, and it is always at least in the same room as her when we are home, if not in her hands. I wash it every week. It should probably get washed 2-3 times per week, but I'm not that anal. Cecilia will watch me put it in the laundry basket. Then it starts. She will try to take it back out several times before we make it over to the washer. Then I get it in the washer, she seems fine, she helps me close the door and then sticks her head in as far as it will go and just watch for "ankie". She will point and call for it. Then all morning, she will stand at the gate between the kitchen and laundry room calling for her security. When the washer is finished she will run, yes- run, to the washer and "help" me move it to the dryer, usually followed by more crying.

Of course she became attached to the handmade crocheted blanket. The one that can't be replaced, or duplicated very easily. This blanket was a gift from someone that we have never met- a nice lady at my grandparents church. I hear stories of moms that buy two or three of the favorite blanket, can't do that. Or, they cut the favorite into four pieces, can't do that either. She does have a pink store bought blanket that serves as runner-up, but is just not the same. We tried.
I have no other choice but to wash her favorite blankie in the morning. She won't go down for a nap or bed without it, so it has to be washed and dried before nap time. Its worth it though. The satisfaction of knowing that her blanket is clean, for at least a few hours, and the pure joy that comes on her face when we pull it out of the dryer all warm and cozy.

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