December 06, 2010


We had a very exciting weekend, most of the excitement happened on Friday. I will have to give it to you in pieces, and some of it you will have to wait on. But one of the exciting things was finding out that a relative is pregnant! We are so excited, and I am so excited that our kids will be able to grow up together. Her 1st, and my 2nd will only be a few months apart. Its great to have other kids to play with at family functions, and for the adults to watch them grow up together.

I also felt Sweet Potato move for the first time on Friday night. It was as I was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep (of course). It was surreal. I just love the feeling of a baby growing inside me. I had been longing to feel this child move, and I knew it would happen sooner than later, but the waiting is hard. I have felt baby each night since too. Its a wonderful feeling! We have an ultrasound- the big one- the week after Christmas, and NO, we will not be finding out the gender. We like the surprise, and I like the motivation at the end of labor.
Cecilia and I baked cookies on Friday. She is big enough now to stand on a chair and "help" me.

She also found a new toy. I just love the simple things that make a child happy.
.Jon brewed another batch of beer this weekend. This marks 3 months in a row that he has brewed. It is a great winter activity for him. AND it makes my house warm and humid (always nice for CO).

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