We spent Christmas Eve at Ma and Pa's Annual Christmas Eve Party. I look forward to this party all year long. I love to get together with all of our family and friends and celebrate Christmas. There were 35 adults and 11 kids to celebrate with. My entire immediate family was together for the first time since the wedding, and Jon's mom also joined us.

Cecilia loved watching the train under Ma's tree. She did remarkably well not touching the ornaments. She also snitched at the appetizer table, which meant that eating dinner was not happening.

Santa came! Kind-of. Cecilia clung to me like never before. She was not sure about this Santa Character. Makes me even more glad that we didn't give into the mall Santa, or go out of our way during a nap time to find a free Santa this year.

Bed time rapidly approached, but not before Cecilia had her turn in the grab-bag chair. She got a present from her Great Uncle Tom this year. I think her favorite part was all the boxes.

We had the traditional reading of the Christmas Story by Pa with all the grand-kids. This is my favorite tradition on Christmas Eve.

After all the kids opened their Grab-bag gifts we started a new tradition. This year we did a White Elephant gift exchange for the adults. It was SO much fun! There were THE gifts, and there were
those gifts, but that is what makes it so much fun. The first gift opened was a jug of flax-seed. It was stolen by Pa- THAT was hysterical! Uncle Pete kept getting the best gifts, they kept getting stolen. There were two, yes TWO, Shake Weights that got opened. Neither were stolen. Jon had his first gift stolen, a nice set of pasta bowls, and he ended up with a beautiful set of pink and purple head bands, a girly watch, and lip gloss. It was a ton of fun, and I can't wait to see what happens next year.
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