Yesterday, I was working away in my office while Cecilia was playing in her toy room in the basement. There is only a gate that separates us, so I can hear everything that is going on, and I can take about four steps and peek out my door to check on her. I heard her moving her toys around. It sounded like she was on a mission. I didn't think much about it until she started crying and came to the gate. I thought she hurt herself because for the longest time now she had been playing and talking to herself, even squealing with delight at times. So I got up and went to check on her, and this is what I found:

Notice the lack of toys in the toy room, and the abundance of toys on the other side of the gate... She was crying because there were no more toys (or rolls of toilet paper and paper towels) to put over the gate. I just about died in a fit of laughter! I happened to be on the phone with Jon at the time, so he can vouch for me. I risked my life to climb over the gate and wade through the toys and up the stairs to grab the camera. I couldn't resist, and this moment warranted more than just the camera on my phone.

She had put all but about three toys on the other side of the gate to the stairs, except for the ones that she put in that big blue bin. Apparently those toys were worthy of staying in the toy room. She was so proud of herself. I'm a pile person, so is her grandma. We joke that we "move the piles around", and that makes us feel like we've cleaned up. I guess we know where she gets it.
that is too cute! it totally sounds like something Lyla would do, too :) I can't believe all the things she got over the gate!
Looks like she was trying to put the cat over too! Very funny.
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