Nick and Megan joined us early on the 26th for breakfast and presents. NOW it felt like Christmas! The gifts were under the tree, and we were all together. Mom and Dad's house felt so festive and merry.

Cecilia jumped right in to help Grandma with the breakfast. She was so cute up there on the chair with her apron on.

After a delicious French Toast Casserole breakfast we got to the main event: PRESENTS! Cecilia was first, of course, she needed a distraction. She made out like a bandit. She got little bug puppets, blocks, new jammies, and other fun things.

Her most favorite present was her new dolly set. She has had her eye on this dolly set since around Thanksgiving, literally. Costco had this dolly displayed right in the front of their store and every time we went there, Cecilia was sure to let me know that she saw it. She would point and get excited, almost to the point of giddiness. So, when Grandma asked what Cecilia wanted for Christmas, I knew what to tell her.

Jon and I made gifts for my parents this year. Jon brewed a batch of beer from one of my Dad's old recipe's, I designed the label, and we gifted the entire batch to him. My Dad loved the idea and the beer, and it was fun to see that recipe recreated with love.

For my Mom, I designed a Brazil book from our trip that we went on two years ago. She has been begging me to do a book since we got home, and I finally got around to doing it. It turned out really well. I think I'll do a separate post on it after the new year.

Santa was soooo good to Jon and I. We got NEW PLUMBING! I know what your thinking: "What?". Really, though, this may not sound glamorous, but trust me, it is. We got new valves, and PEX fittings, and PEX tubing so that we can redo the plumbing in the house. Our house is 55 years old. It has galvanized pipes, aka rust. We have been crossing our fingers, and saying our prayers that the pipes don't burst before we get them replaced. Now we can, and Jon will ;) The idea of turning water on, and it not coming out that beautiful rust color is a dream soon to come true.

Christmas was also sponsored by
Dave Ramsey this year. My parents have been taking his class over the last few months, and have learned so much. They are definitely on the band wagon. So, they got each of us kids his book and a set of CD's from the class they took. We listened to the first 1.5 discs on the way home from the mountains- we're hooked. The guy has great ideas that just make sense.
The rest of the afternoon consisted of tea parties, baking cookies, and napping.

Mom made a wonderful Christmas dinner, and we were all lucky enough to spend the afternoon and evening with Aunt Jenny and cousin Brendan. Cecilia ate her dinner earlier than the rest of us so as not to miss bed time. She has started saying her prayers every time she sits at the table. It is seriously cute!

After dinner we played a long game of "Things". I highly recommend this game for adults. There was a ton of laughter, and we were up until almost 1AM finishing the game.
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